Connect to Greatness ® COACHES
Fathers, uncles, cousins, brothers, men in the community mentoring and empowering boys to be great!
C2G Coaches are men who know the importance of being a positive male figure for young boys. The C2G Coach is genuinely motivated to be the guide and support for young middle school boys as they are making the journey to high school. C2G Coaches are not perfect men, but they are men who are committed to being present and willing to “show up” for our boys.
Join the cadre of GREAT Coaches ready to make a difference in the lives of our boys. If you are an African American/Black male, a young man needs your support and presence in their lives. Become a part of the solution for our future generations.
Apply to be a Connect to Greatness ® Coach.
Connect to Greatness ® Coaches are men from all walks of life with a shared mission of empowering and inspiring African American/Black boys to become leaders and changemakers in the world!

Cartier Scott
High School Math & Track Coach

Calvin Phillips
VP of The Lords Place

James “Andre” Thaddies
Executive Director

Michael Evans Sr. (Tom Tom)
Owner & Operator, Evans Air Conditioner LLC

Leonard Bryant

Karnell Hatcher
Connect to Greatness ® "Lunchbox Talks" Program Coordinator

Woonolph Esthema
Case Manager

Quentin Thaddies
Program Coordinator, Connect to Greatness ®, Inc.

Marcus Gaskins
Behavioral Health Specialist

Andre "AJ" Thaddies Jr.

Jackie Harris

Warly Louis

Kevin Lubin

Fred Self

Alexander Joseph

Marc Ambroise

Ferrari Bernadotte

Anthony Bacchus

Thompson Auguste
C2G Coaches are men who know the importance of being a positive male figure for young boys. The C2G Coach is genuinely motivated to be the guide and support for young middle school boys as they are making the journey to high school. C2G Coaches are not perfect men, but they are men who are committed to being present and willing to “show up” for our boys.
We know that mentoring is extremely important and valuable in establishing and building one-on-one relationships with young boys. In addition to building those relationships, we will focus on empowering our boys to do the “inside out” work of understanding who they are through self-discovery learning sessions. Session topics may include social responsibility, leadership, peer pressure, decision making etc. We believe the essence of a coach is to teach the fundamentals. The learning sessions are the “fundamentals” required for our boys to chart their course to becoming great men. Our C2G Coaches are the key to unlocking the greatness within our young boys.
C2G Coaches are expected to have a minimum of 6-8 face time hours per month as well as communication via text or group chats. The expectation of the quality of interaction is to be supportive in nature of the needs and goals of the individual mentee within the guidelines and philosophy of Connect to Greatness Inc.
If chosen as a coach you will directly work with at least one mentee to ensure their progress and offer accountability. You will then work as a team with the other coaches to empower the entire cohort of mentees to be successful.
Yes, C2G Coaches will go through a four- hour training session focused on the mission, state laws, mandatory requirements, listening techniques, and fundamentals of coaching/mentoring.
Yes, the safety of our boys is our top priority and yes, you must pay the fee directly to the reporting agency. The reason for the background check is a no-brainer, right?
Everyone who has not had a background check within the last 5 years will be required to complete one, except teachers and law enforcement officers. Currently employed teachers and law enforcement officers in lieu of the background check, will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they have been cleared and are currently employed with the school or department. In addition, we will require a copy of their current badge for our files. Connect to Greatness will reimburse the background check fee with a receipt.
Background check results are typically returned within 5-7 days of receipt. Connect to Greatness will provide you with a letter acknowledging the request for the background check to provide to the reporting agency.
The organization has an ongoing goal of recruiting a cohort of 10-15 6th grade boys every school year. Success will be graduating 85%-100% of the cohort through the two 15-week program, have them return the following year, and continue until they graduate high school.
The mentees level of engagement will measure the success of a coach. Are they attending the learning sessions? Are they planning and setting goals? Are they reflecting and making progress toward accomplishing their goals? Are you seeing a shift in their attitude, behavior etc.
The boys will be setting their own personal goals at the beginning of the program. Goals such as “I want to control my anger” or “I want to get better at math” or “I want to get more organized”, may be important for some of our mentees. Whatever their goals are, the boys will measure success ultimately by feeling they have grown, accomplished some or all the goals they have set for themselves, and feeling more prepared for the next year of their lives.
C2G active coaches, students and sessions held since inception.
Are you passionate about ensuring the emotional, social, psychological, and academic well-being of our African American/Black boys? Click here to sign up as a volunteer with Connect to Greatness, Inc. today!
Connect to Greatness, Inc. relies on support from our community.
Please consider making a donation here.